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Developer's DescriptionBy OpenglacierStore your long-term data on amazon's Glacier platform.OpenGlacier is a Windows based archiving system, allowing you to store your data on amazon's Glacier platform. Recently Amazon announced their new web service offering, Glacier. Glacier is basically an extremely low-cost, cloud based, long term infrequently accessed data storage platform.I've got a great digital picture of me and my daughter at a Maypole party. It's actually maybe my favorite picture ever. I have a copy of that picture on my hard drive, and I know it's buried somewhere on one of my many flash drives, but if my house burns down, melting all my flash drives and computers. I doubt I am going to immediately need that photo. Sure, I want it someday soon (you know, to cheer me up about the loss of my house), but I can certainly wait 3-5 hours to get it. The above is what "long-term infrequently accessed data" is all about. It's fire insurance. It's your disaster recovery. Companies have been using costly off site archiving services for decades. They have to do it because it's the only way that allows their business to continue in the event of a local disaster. Businesses that provide this secure offsite data service typically deliver your vaulted media in less than 24 hours after you request it, at a pretty significant cost. The amazon Glacier service does exactly that at a much lower cost, making your data available within 3-5 hours after your request. OpenGlacier is a FREE application that allows you to easily manage your data archives. I am not sure amazon had individual consumers in mind when developing the Glacier platform, but consumers should leverage this platform for the exact same reason companies invest in offsite data archiving; insuring yourself against permanent data loss.Glacier is a perfect place for you to park and protect all your digital memories and files at the lowest cost possible. OpenGlacier is the perfect application to do it with.
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