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Developer's DescriptionBy Vitaliy GolubParse and evaluate a run-time defined string as a math expression on complex numbers.CxTranslator is a fast and compact math parser/evaluator with pre-build features and user friendly interface. Allows to parse and evaluate a run-time defined string as a math expression on complex numbers. CxTranslator implements simple data type to cover complex numbers: real and imaginary parts. You can find definition of TCalc in EquTypes.h file that comes as part of demo.The valid math expressions should consist of: Variables - should start from letter and be no more than 32 characters. The math expression may have no variables.Operators - arithmetic operations: +, -, *, /, ^Functions - set of predefined functions: abs, acos, acosh, arg, asin, asinh, atan, atanh, conj, cos, cosh, exp, imag, log, log10, norm, proj, real, sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh. Also, user can define his own function to improve performance and extend functionality.The main characteristics of CxTranslator:Extremely fast. Friendly interface and error handling mechanism support. Available in native and managed (.NET) implementation.Multithread safe.Supports unlimited number of variables.Math expression can be as single byte or double byte (UNICODE) string.Can be extended by user defined functions.Target platform: x86 and x64.