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Close Combat: Invasion Normandy demo

Close Combat: Invasion Normandy demo

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Editors' staffOctober 17, 2013This sequel to the real-time-strategy classic Close Combat plays much like its predecessors, with only a few small tweaks. In this installment, you command troops on either the Allied or Axis side in the Battle of Normandy, attempting to capture strategic strong points. Unlike some of the earlier Close Combat games, this one lets you position troops before battle. But like the others, Invasion Normandy makes the psychology of your troops a key factor: if your soldiers think an order is ridiculous or if their stress level exceeds a certain threshold, they won t obey. The two-dimensional overhead view of towns, hedgerows, and verdant pastures looks quite lovely, even by today's standards. Battlefield scrolling moves too fast on modern computers, but otherwise the click-and-point interface is clear and simple. The demo includes a boot-camp training mode and a sample battle with infantry and armor. It's one of the best games in the Close Combat series.
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