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Ra Sun Boat Magic

Ra Sun Boat Magic

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Developer's DescriptionBy DilmunMworXDisplay the nocturnal path of the Sun, the Ancient Egyptian 'Hours'.The Book Am-Tuat and the Book of Gates are the Ancient Egyptian cosmological treatises describing the architecture and inhabitants of the Tuat - the Underworld - which the boat of the Sun God Ra traverses during the nocturnal hours. The magical Travel was inscribed on the walls of tombs. By the beliefs of the Ancent Egyptians, the passage of the newly deceased soul into the Other World corresponds essentially to the path of the Sun during the hours of the night; the soul is required to pass through a series of 'Gates' and 'Regions' at different stages in the journey. The Gates and the Realms are associated with different Gods and Goddesses, and they require that the deceased recognize the particular characters of these divine beings created by the Power of his own Magical Imagination...Ra Sun Boat Magic is an outstanding astrology software displaying the nocturnal and the diurnal path of the Sun, the Ancient Egyptian 'Hours' (determined by the given geo latitude, altitude, day of year, refraction etc.), and representing the azimuthal regions divided by the cardinal points and ruled by the four great Godesses: Isis, Nephthys, Neith and Serket.The Free Edition represents the basics of this outstanding astrological approach (with fixed geo coordinates, within a limited time interval). You can understand the essentials of the symbolical 'Hours' and track of the Sun God entering in the several Realms.
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