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Developer's DescriptionBy Joel BouchatDesign and run a model railway on your PC.CATrain is a tool for designing, simulating, and controlling model railways. The design mode allows the user to draw a simplified layout, including devices such as turnouts, signals, and level crossing. The running mode permits the checking of the layout by concurrently running several trains on it. The trains that have been installed on the railway are animated on the screen. The trains can either circulate under manual control or automatically, following user-defined itineraries. Audio effects can be added: engine sounds, squealing brakes, track clicks, horns, level-crossing bells... Default audio clips are provided, but the user can create his own audio clips in 'wav' or 'mp3' format. When the PC is connected to a dedicated controller, CATrain can control a real model railway. In addition to the dedicated home-made control modules, an Uhlenbrock IB-COM or Intellibox can be connected on an USB port to control a Marklin or any DCC layout (Uhlenbrock, Roco, Arnold, LGB, Lenz, Digitrax,...).
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