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Nintendo Collector

Nintendo Collector

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Developer's DescriptionBy dFb GamingKeep track of your video game collection.The Nintendo Collector is designed to help keep track of your video game collection for the original Nintendo NES, SNES, N64, GameCube, Wii, Wii U and now GameBoy, GB Color, GB Advance, DS, 3DS, and even the Virtual Boy and the Game & Watch series. With over 7000 games and images already added for you to select and add to your collection, and the ability to add games that may not be in the list. Also, you have the ability to create and restore a back up of your collection with just a click of the button. Nintendo Collector makes it easy to keep track of all your games. Important: Updating from v1.0 - 1.6 ?If your updating from 1.0 - 1.6 to 1.7 and you have already made your list be sure to make a back up before updating. Once your back up has been made uninstall Nintendo Collector 1.x. Don't worry it won't uninstall your back up list! After uninstall has been completed then install 1.7 into the same Dir you did previously. If you installed 1.x into the default Dir simply do the same with 1.7. Now start the program and restore your back up by clicking on the "Restore Back Up" button. You should see your list!
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