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My Collection Explorer

My Collection Explorer

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Editors' staffAugust 30, 2005This application creates a comprehensive inventory catalog of collectible items but can be overwhelming for the average collector. My Collection Explorer has two operational modes, Wizard and Expert. Wizard's interface is clean-cut and offers easier navigation around the program. Its expert mode is just that. Though its interface is basic, it offers a lot more options for adept collections. The program requires more than 15MB and loads with several predefined catalogs, from game cards and comic books to knife and sword collections. You can add personalized categories; however, you can't delete unnecessary catalogs. Within each category you'll be able to list your inventory, pricing, and Websites--essentially, anything you feel is pertinent to your individual collection. You can even schedule periodic backups of your inventory catalogs to the hard drive as often as you'd like. My Collection Explorer really is overkill for small hobbyists, but serious collectors will find it useful for maintaining vast records.
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