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Become An Alpha Male (Preview)

Become An Alpha Male (Preview)

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Developer's DescriptionBy Pick Up AcademyHow to Become an Alpha Male train you to become a guy who women think is hot.CHAPTER 1: The Truth About Women's Love ofSex... It May Surprise You."Women are too complicated.""Women are too needy.""I don't understand women."You hear that crap all the time. And, honestly, it's a cop-out. Other men say thatbecause it's easier to throw up their hands and just relate to women as black boxes that can'tbe understood than to try and wrap their minds around understanding women.Here's what you need to understand about women, and it's good news: they are verysexual creatures on a fundamental, biological level. In fact, they probably enjoy sex evenmore than we do. Ever notice how women moan during sex much more than men do?What All Women Live In Fear Of (and the trick to soothing thisanxiety so they'll do whatever you ask).Unfortunately, society conditions women to believe, in the logical portion of their minds,(not the emotional portion) that it's "wrong" to enjoy sex.Because women tend to be social creatures (more so than men, for reasons ofevolutionary psychology), labels such as "slut" or "whore" have a strong, negative effecton them.None of these penalties apply to men who have lots of sex. So, you see, the supremetragedy of the misogynistic system set up by religion and society to repress women'ssexuality... is that men everywhere have more of a challenge in getting sex than they would ifthey were living back in pre-civilization times when women were wild and uninhibited.So your job as a man in modern society is to get around a woman's societalconditioning and draw out the natural woman within her.Sound hard? Believe me, it's not. In a way, women are like padlocks. They seemimpossible if you're using the wrong keys, but once you find the right key, they open easily.
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