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iTunes Training  8

iTunes Training 8

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Developer's DescriptionBy VodeclicLearn iTunes tools and functionalities from your Windows 8 device.The iTunes Training app features 43 tutorials on the key iTunes tools and functionalities. They are organized as getting to know the application, finding music files, sorting your music files, reading your music files, synchronizing your device, ordering and buying online, and configuring and customizing the application. This series of video tutorials will introduce you to iTunes 10 for your PC. iTunes 10 is a free media player that can organise and playback your music tracks, videos and podcasts. This training course will show you how to import music into your library, transfer your media files to an iPhone or iPod, and how to create your own Apple account in order to take advantage of the numerous additional iTunes services. You will also find out how to download a music track from the iTunes Store, how to use Ping, and how to share your music.
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