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Developer's DescriptionBy Anand Software and TrainingPrepare for Security+ exam.CertExams.com Security+ exam simulator consists of 300+ questions with Flash cards. The tests are offered in two modes. A. Online version, and b. Downloadable version. In the online version, a user need to take the tests online after logging in to the website (Internet connectivity is required). In the download version, a user may download the examsim, and take the test on his/her desktop computer. The important features of the Exam Simulator:are a) Up to date practice questions with detailed explanations b) Immediate online activation c) Verify for any product updates d) Store and view results at a later date, or review answers, e) Integrated Test Environment that allows for installed/available test modules. The exam simulator supports several question types including multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blanks, drag-n-drop, etc. that provide close to actual exam environment to the candidates.