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Editors' ReviewDownload.com staffDecember 10, 2008IN-HEH Timeline offers to help organize a family tree by creating a time line of people and events. While its aim is not uncommon, its confusing setup and total lack of direction stall this program before it ever begins.The program's interface was our first clue that things would be difficult. Dissected into separate stark white boxes with many commands that don't make sense, it mandated a retreat to the Help file. Unfortunately, there was no Help file, just technical product information. We soldiered on, experimenting with the program in hopes of creating a timeline. The program allowed us to make a file-tree-like time line featuring Events, People, and Places, though each was an absolute pain to populate. The fields for all three were exactly the same, which was confusing when trying to differentiate between people, places, and events. We were unable to make a coherent time line of events and felt frustrated at every moment. IN-NEH Timeline offers a few extra features, such as a Filtering option, though we never had any use for it. This program was a disappointment due to its lack of Help and its limited functionality, and it only reminded us of how many other excellent programs are available for creating time lines and researching genealogy.IN-HEH Timeline is freeware. It installs desktop shortcuts without permission and leaves folders after uninstalling. We do not recommend this program.