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Keys for Arabic

Keys for Arabic

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Developer's DescriptionBy FileMakerManiaGet more familiar with Arabic.For all the people who would like to get more familiar with Arabic, Keys for Arabic is a very powerfull tool which gives the ability to understand very quickly the basics of Arabic language.It includes a magic Arabic keyboard which gives instantaneously all the required information to understand how Arabic works . With this virtual keyboard, you can view the differences between isolated letters or how they are shaped inside a word. Besides, it gives also the name of each letter you are currently typing and also its tansliteration (Pronunciation with our alphabet). You will find also several other features like a lexicon including arabic words with voices recorded by native arabic speakers, some exercices to learn and memorize arabic alphabet, a glossary to store your own words.A dynamic webviiew with google image or wikipedia brings you more information on the word you have typed or stored in your glossary.Keys for arabic is the essential software to get the essence of Arabic language.
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