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Developer's DescriptionBy PanolapseSearch the meaning of words in Japanese or English language.JE Eyes is a free Japanese-English bidirectional dictionary for Windows featuring search by kanji, radicals, English, and Japanese. The program focuses on helping you learn kanji and compounds, while providing a fast interface to help you look up words and characters. Features include integration with EDICT, KANJIDIC, and RADKFILE dictionaries, drag kanji into the radical-boxes (dark grey) to break them into radicals (from any source), filter results by radicals found in compounds, find kanji by radical, find kanji by stroke count, view all beginning radicals, analyze multiple kanji at once, color-coded matches search by "Begin in", "End in", "Contain", and "Are", search with wildcards "?" (Japanese), and text copy or paste support (kanji buttons, kanji analysis, and word search may all be copied)