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Classle Desktop

Classle Desktop

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Developer's DescriptionBy Classle KnowledgeSync content from Classle's Social Learning with your PC for offline learning.Classle Desktop lets you to sync contents from Classle's Social Learning Platform and Cloud Campus platform on your device for offline learning. Mark the contents for Sync from Learning Circles at Classle in which you have the membership, and sync it with your device. All learning resources you had marked for Synchronization gets downloaded onto your PC and you are all set for offline learning.It's simple and easy to use as well: All you need is a membership on Classle, which is completely free of charge. Select and mark the contents and courses of your interest that you wish to study offline.Connect your Desktop or Laptop to the internet, login into the app, and all of the contents that you marked get synchronized for your offline learning.Every time you sync your device, your courses and learning circles material get updated for you to keep using.Features:Free download;Speedy usage as it is offline, internet only required for syncing;Access to over 900 Learning Circles and over 50,000 content pages in the library;Subscription availability to 200 courses;Access to over 2,55,075 quizzes;Regular updates notified through announcements;Easy and functional User Interface;You can post your suggestions and ask queries at
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