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IRIS Earthquake Browser URL Builder

IRIS Earthquake Browser URL Builder

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Developer's DescriptionBy DA SoftwareProvide an interface to the IRIS Earthquake browser for the Map, 3D and HTML pages.This tool provides an interface to the IRIS Earthquake browser. (IEB). It not only interfaces to the Map page but can also produce URL links for the 3D viewer and the HTML listing. This version adds map style selections (Hybrid, Road Map, Terrain and Satellite), some additional lat/lon parsing that is internal and the Map Caption. It is very simple and the minimum entry requirement is a minimum and maximum latitude and longitude. Of course that will not give a very useful set of data unless you want to see earthquakes from 1970 to present. Whereas using the IEB on the web you would draw a selection area by dragging your mouse, the URL Builder allows you create the same selection but more accurately. There are three methods of getting coordinates into the latitude and longitude boxes: Method 1 - Latitude/Longitude box input; Method 2 - Epicentre input; Method 3 - Saved and Popular Areas; With a set of coordinates entered you select the type of output you want for dates, magnitude and depth, map style if using the map. You can send to all three versions at the same time. There are facilities to store your own coordinates in the program so you can return to the exact selection regularly.
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