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DBForms from MS Access to ASP.NET+MS SQL

DBForms from MS Access to ASP.NET+MS SQL

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Developer's DescriptionBy DMSoft TechnologiesConvert Access forms to ASP.NET and MS SQL.DBForms from MS Access to ASP.NET + MS SQL is an application to convert Microsoft Access databases (.mdb files) to MS SQL database and MS Access Forms to .aspx web pages with AJAX technology support. Now you can easily convert forms and their elements to ASP.NET WEB pages, filling form fields with data from the fields of your Access tables. During conversion elements position, color palette and fields type are saved. With DBForms you have an opportunity to upload your generated forms directly on FTP or save .aspx files in a local folder on your computer for future uploading. DBForms from MS Access to ASP.NET + MS SQL supports Unicode that allows you to make language special symbols displayed correctly. The program gives an opportunity for partial selection of database objects that will be converted. The software performs converting of Primary keys and Indexes. There is an ability to save data to SQL dump file that allows you to get over the access restrictions to MS SQL server if any. Sessions support allows you to save all your settings and restore them afterwards.
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