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Developer's DescriptionBy SETCCEGenerate digital code signatures for XML and PDF components and encrypt data.SETCCE proXSign is an advanced set of cross-platform and multiple web-browser plug-ins for XML or PDF supported digital signing and/or encryption. The proXSign family of components offers secure, easy and seamless integration of digital signing and data encryption into a web page. Integration can be done in just a few steps and end-user deployment can start in minutes with only one javaScript for all browser types! proXSign may also be used with full functionalities as COM component for integration of digital signing and data encryption in any Windows or Linux based application. Use proXSign browser plug-ins and components to: Enable end-users of your web-applications to create and verify digital signatures for XML and PDF files. Digital signatures created with proXSign components are 100% compatible with W3C XMLDsig or Adobe PDF standards. Moreover, PDF/A-digital signing is supported in order to meet the strictest legal requirements for electronic documents which need to be kept over long-term periods. Encrypt and decrypt XML files or any binary content on-line through your web application or locally with full integration into your desktop application. Encrypted data files are interoperable and compliant with W3C XMLEnc standard. The proXSign suite of digital signing components offers secure, easy and seamless integration into any web page. It is specifically convenient for business, governmental, financial and other solutions and provides a complete set of functions for: digital signing and verification of digital signatures, asymmetric encryption and decryption (based on x.509 digital certificates) of any type of document or data string, and time stamping. ProXSign may be used as a COM component as well.
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