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MySQL Migration Toolkit

MySQL Migration Toolkit

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Developer's DescriptionBy Intelligent ConvertersConvert tables from various data sources to and from MySQL.MySQL Migration Toolkit is a software pack to convert any data source to MySQL and vice versa. It includes the following utilities: (*) Access-to-MySQL; (*) DBF-to-MySQL; (*) Excel-to-MySQL; (*) MSSQL-to-MySQL; (*) MySQL-to-Access; (*) MySQL-to-DBF; (*) MySQL-to-Excel; (*) MySQL-to-MSSQL; (*) MySQL-to-Oracle; (*) MySQL-to-PostgreSQL; (*) Oracle-to-MySQL; (*) PostgreSQL-to-MySQLThe product has high performance due to direct connection to source and destination databases (it does not use ODBC or any other middleware software). Command line support allows to script, automate and schedule the conversion process.
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