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Forms To Go

Forms To Go

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Editors' staffMarch 23, 2011Sure, you could write the source code to process a form, but why bother? Forms To Go will do the work for you in under five minutes. Well put together, with a clean, organized interface, this simple application creates scripts in PHP, ASP, and PERL that will e-mail you the results of your HTML forms. Before you start, you must first create an HTML form with a standard Web-design or text-processing program. After that, you load your HTML form into Forms To Go and create the script. The unregistered version disables many of the advanced features. However, we were still able to quickly create a script, giving us a good idea of the program's functionality and usability. Overall, we found the program to be easy to use, and it includes helpful documentation. Forms To Go should delight Web designers with no programming knowledge or coders looking to save time.
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