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Editors' staffFebruary 7, 2018As simians go, FoldMonkey is pretty clever, if not Koko-the-gorilla smart. The program monitors a folder of your choice and watches for new files. When one appears, FoldMonkey can handle it in several ways. It can rename the file by adding the creation or modification date to the original name; it can place the file in a new, date-stamped folder; or it can move the file to any other folder. When running as a Windows service, it doesn't take much memory (5MB). In this latest version, you can now rename files with a combined date and time so it reflects proper versioning. It's not very good with synchronization, since it monitors only one folder and can't send copies of a file to several locations. Consequently, we expect FoldMonkey will appeal only to certain home users, such as photo enthuasists, who need to route large numbers of files.
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