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Developer's DescriptionBy NuvasecProvide COM SDK for file download.Update Services Download Component is a set of COM interfaces developed by Nuvasec to download files from Internet/Intranet. Developers can easily write applications in many modern programming languages. It defines interfaces and objects that are accessible from Visual Basic, VB.NET, Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript), JScript, and from C#, C and C++, Delphi, ASP, ASP.NET, PHP and Java. A familiarity with COM programming is useful to the developers.It supports multiple network protocol including HTTP and FTP. Also it supports downloading files from a network shared folder or a local folder. There are multiple types of proxy servers are supported, you can choose an appropriate proxy server according to your own network.To speed up the download, Update Services Download Component will allow you to specify many files to download at the same time. It will split each file into several segments according to the file size, and download each segment in a separate thread at the same time. If a segment has finished, the current thread will not exit, and will cut a piece from a downloading segment to continue to download, until no segments can be cut. If a download has been interrupted before complete, Update Services Download Component can resume the download from the point of failure, this will reduce a lot of download time, and save more network bandwidth for you.