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Developer's DescriptionBy TwitterUse this front-end toolkit to create Web pages and sites.Twitter Bootstrap is a free collection of tools for creating Web sites and applications. It uses HTML and CSS-based design templates, as well as JavaScript extensions. Bootstrap is designed to help people of all skill levels--designer or developer, huge nerd or early beginner. Use it as a complete kit or use to start something more complex.Cross-everything: Originally built with only modern browsers in mind, Bootstrap has evolved to include support for all major browsers (even IE7!) and, with Bootstrap 2, tablets and smartphones, too.12-column grid: Grid systems aren't everything, but having a durable and flexible one at the core of your work can make development much simpler. Use our built-in grid classes or roll your own.Responsive design: With Bootstrap 2, we've gone fully responsive. Our components are scaled according to a range of resolutions and devices to provide a consistent experience, no matter what.Styleguide docs: Unlike other front-end toolkits, Bootstrap was designed first and foremost as a styleguide to document not only our features, but best practices and living, coded examples.Growing library: Despite being only 10kb (gzipped), Bootstrap is one of the most complete front-end toolkits out there with dozens of fully functional components ready to be put to use.Custom jQuery plugins: What good is an awesome design component without easy-to-use, proper, and extensible interactions? With Bootstrap, you get custom-built jQuery plugins to bring your projects to life.Built on LESS: Where vanilla CSS falters, LESS excels. Variables, nesting, operations, and mixins in LESS makes coding CSS faster and more efficient with minimal overhead.
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