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GRBackPro Professional Backup

GRBackPro Professional Backup

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Editors' staffJuly 6, 2015Boring tabs and an altogether clutter interface are what you'll be greeted with when you use this backup tool. After we got our hands on it, we found it second best to other cheaper, and even a few free, backup programs.GRBackPro uses tabs to organize its features. But within each tab, we found numerous buttons that lacked any flow. It was hard to know what to do first or where to go next. We tried to create a new job, which we were able to name, and select a destination folder. Once we clicked the Backup button, the program quickly and successfully backed up our files, but the effort to get to this point didn't seem worth it. A schedule feature is included, but we were unable to add or edit events because the buttons to do so were deactivated in the trial version. Advanced settings give you the option of skipping any empty files during the backup, including hidden files, and password-protecting ZIP files. ZIP file compression is included, but the ZIP file level and temp path settings were confusing.The program includes a Help menu, but that doesn't address GRBackPro's design flaws. It would take a complete design overhaul to fix this program's problems, and it certainly isn't worth the cost in its current form. We recommend that you save yourself the trouble and money, and check out some of the other backup programs on the market.
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