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CyberInstaller Suite

CyberInstaller Suite

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Developer's DescriptionBy SilverCyberTechCreate reliable and safe installation packages in a few minutes for free.CyberInstaller Suite is a packetization and installation software, oriented to every kind of developer. Thus, it can be applied to any language or development environment (.Net, C++, C#, Delphi, Java, PHP, Visual Basic, etc.) and can be used either by the occasional programmer (free version), or by the professional developer (registered versions). Now available also for 64 bit systems (x64).News:After more than a year since the last version, now available the long awaited 2011 release, with full support to Vista, Seven, Server 2008, both 32 and 64 bits. In addition, with automatic online updates, it gives your users the ability to update the installed applications. All this, together with many other new features and several bug-fixes, makes the 2011 the most substantial version ever released.
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