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Developer's DescriptionBy Daring FireballSmartyPants is a free web publishing plug-in for Movable Type that translates plain ASCII punctuation characters into "smart" typographic entities.SmartyPants is a free web publishing plug-in for Movable Type, Blosxom, and BBEdit that easily translates plain ASCII punctuation characters into "smart" typographic punctuation HTML entities.SmartyPants can perform the following transformations:Straight quotes ( " and ' ) into "curly" quote HTML entitiesBackticks-style quotes (``like this'') into "curly" quote HTML entitiesDashes ("--" and "---") into en- and em-dash entitiesThree consecutive dots ("...") into an ellipsis entityThis means you can write, edit, and save your posts using plain old ASCII straight quotes, plain dashes, and plain dots, but your published posts (and final HTML output) will appear with smart quotes, em-dashes, and proper ellipses.SmartyPants is a combination plug-in -- a single plug-in file that works with Movable Type, Blosxom, and BBEdit. It can also be used from a Unix-style command-line.
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