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Developer's DescriptionBy FastReport SoftwareAnalyze data and build summary tables with desktop OLAP components for Delphi/C Builder/Lazarus.FastCube is a handy tool for efficient analytical data arrays handling.FastCube enables you to analyze data and to build summary tables (data cut-offs) as well as create a variety of reports and graphs both easily and instantly. It's a handy tool for the efficient analysis of data arrays.FastCube is a set of OLAP Desktop components. It supports Delphi 7, 2005, 2006/Turbo, 2007, 2009, XE, XE2, C++Builder 6, 2007, 2009, XE2, XE3, XE4, XE5, XE6, XE7 CodeGear RAD Studio 2009 and Lazarus.FastCube components can be built into the interface of host applicationsFastCube end users do not require high programming skills to build reportsFastCube is a set of OLAP Desktop components for Delphi/C++Builder/LazarusConnection to data-bases can be not only through the standard ADO or BDE components but also through any component based on TDataSetInstant downloading and handling of data arraysReady-made templates can be built for summary tables. It is posible to prohibit users from modifying the schemaAll FastCube's settings may be accessed both programmatically and by the end userFastCube's data can be saved in a compact format for data exchange and data storage