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Flowcode Support Package for AVR

Flowcode Support Package for AVR

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Developer's DescriptionBy BiPOM ElectronicsFacilitate the control of complex devices like 7-segment displays, motor controllers, and LCD displays.Flowcode is a powerful language that uses macros to facilitate the control of complex devices like 7-segment displays, motor controllers, and LCD displays. The use of macros allows students and engineers to control highly complex electronic devices without getting bogged down in understanding the programming involved. Flowcode is used in education as a means of introducing students to the concepts of programming. Flowcode is used in industry for rapid development and as a means of managing large projects. New features of version 4 include Panel Creator, In Circuit Debug, Virtual Networks, C Code Customization, Floating point and new Components. Additional string functions, Switch Icon and new Graphical user interface are all significant improvements to the Flowcode microcontroller development software. This support package provides Flowcode examples for the MINI-MAX/AVR-C microcontroller board.
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