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Developer's DescriptionBy AVSpeedCreate conferencing applications.Create video conferencing applications easily, or add video/audio/text conferencing capabilities to the application that you are developing, with this easy to use SDK for the .NET framework. This real-time video, audio and text conferencing .NET SDK, is the easy answer to your questions about creating a fully featured video conferencing application using Visual Studio.NET. Using the iConf .NET SDK, you will have your first conferencing application up and running in just minutes. Whether you are looking to build a simple Server to Client application, or a more sophisticated multi party conferencing application, iConf will make the job easier for you. The iConf .NET SDK consists of 2 .NET components (assemblies), the iConf Server .NET component, which previews video, streams video/audio/text, and the iConf Client .NET component, which receives video/audio/text from the iConf Server .NET it is connected to. Video encoding/decoding is done using our licensed H.263/H.264 codecs which are built into the SDK. Audio conferencing uses the SPEEX codec. To facilitate communication behind NATs and firewalls, the iConf .NET SDK is bundled with the Central Server .NET Windows Service that acts as a directory service for the iConf Client/Server .NET components. The Central Server is necessary when communication needs to occur between parties that have private IP addresses internal to a local area network that are inaccessible to the outside world, or or that have ports blocked by a firewall. The iConf Server .NET component register with the Central Server, logs into the Central Server, can add, remove contacts and place calls to users in a contact list. Features: * Each iConf Server .NET component can stream video, audio, text data to multiple clients. * Support for DirectX compatible video capture devices and webcams * Adjustable H.263 and H.264 parameters * Configurable communication ports.
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