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Developer's DescriptionBy JumpBoxDeploy Bugzilla bug tracking system on-premise, in cloud, or in data center.Bugzilla is a web-based bug tracking system that enables software developers to keep track of outstanding bugs in their product. The JumpBox for Bugzilla makes running it a breeze. There's no worrying about getting the right collection of CPAN modules, no database scripts, no web server configuration, really nothing to stand in the way of your productivity. Plus with the JumpBox web based administration tools and backup system, running a Bugzilla installation has never been easier. The JumpBox for Bugzilla provides a simplified way to deploy and maintain Bugzilla either on-premise, in the cloud or in a data center. Termed "Open Source as a Service" this technology enables you to focus your time on using software rather than implementing and maintaining it. With a growing collection of over fifty different conveniently-packaged Open Source applications, the JumpBox library is the most comprehensive set of "run anywhere, run instantly" server infrastructure. Explore the benefits of "Open Source as a Service" and try the JumpBox for Bugzilla today to eliminate headaches and reclaim your time.