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Developer's DescriptionBy Vojtech SokolProtect your PHP scripts, make your code impossible to read and edit.srcProtector for PHP is a tool designed to obfuscate your PHP code and therefore make it impossible to read or modify. It is made for your PHP applications which source code you don`t want to reveal to your customer. The encoded scripts are fully functional as originals but their source code is unreadable. srcProtector is probably most powerful PHP obfuscator, that does not use compilation to bytecode. With srcProtector you don`t need any loader installed on server, encoded scripts have no additional requirements to the server configuration.Features: srcProtector produces unreadable obfuscated code - obfuscates variable, function, class names, constants and strings, remove comments and whitespaces; no special requirements of encoded appliacations. These applications don`t need any other libraries, extensions, or any special loader - Encoded application have same requirements as the original; possibility to preserve line breaks to track the errors; optionally you can pack the file content into eval expression to make the code harder to understand; you can lock the application for use on specific domain names, or set the expiration date for the application; simple to use - just pick files, check settings and run the encoder through the application GUI; very sophisticated code analysis engine, that securely parses your code, keeps its functionality or warn you about parts of your application, that may cause issues in the encoded application and helps you avoid them; support for object oriented and non-object oriented programming style; support for PHP versions up to PHP 5.5; Ability to obfuscate applications based on framework or plugins for content management systems; Included definition of frameworks: Zend Framework, CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Symfony, and CMS Joomla.