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Developer's DescriptionBy OntopiaBuild a full Topic Maps-based applications.Ontopia is a set of tools which contains everything you need to build a full Topic Maps-based application. Using Ontopia you can design your ontology, populate the topic map manually and/or automatically, build the user interface, show graphical visualizations of the topic map, and much more. The core of Ontopia is the engine, which stores and maintains the topic maps, and has an extensive Java API. On top of it are built a number of additional components, as shown in the diagram. Topic maps are a new ISO standard for describing knowledge structures and associating them with information resources. As such they constitute an enabling technology for knowledge management. Ontopia is an open source suite of tools for building applications based on Topic Maps, providing features like an ontology designer, an instance data editor, a full-featured query language, web service access points, database storage, and so on.
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