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Juzt-Reboot SW

Juzt-Reboot SW

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Developer's DescriptionBy Juzt-InnovationsProtect BIOS, operating system, applications and data from unauthorized modification or corruption.Juzt-Reboot SW is a powerful software application which protects a PC's BIOS, Operating System, Applications and Data from unauthorized modification or corruption. Juzt-Reboot SW technology ensures that however grave the error or malicious corruption, your PC configuration can be instantly restored in just a matter of seconds, when required or automatically by a pre-defined schedule. Problems with your CMOS? "Juzt-Reboot SW" will not only notify you of a malfunction but it will also perform a recovery operation to reset to your preferred system settings. (Instant HDD & CMOS Recovery/ Backup) No matter how your System/Data is destroyed; either by virus attacks, deletion, formatting, overwrites, fdisk, modification or improper shutdowns, Juzt Reboot SW will fix your system instantly, at the touch of a button or set too automatic on reboot. No other additional system/data recovery operations are required.Version 7.61D may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.
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