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Developer's DescriptionBy ShahanshaSpeech 2 text is handy tool that every Windows user must have.Speech 2 text is handy tool that every Windows user must have. This tool is used to convert your speech to text. Languages depend on the languages installed in the Windows OS on your PC. English is supported for sure. Then you can copy the content to whereever you want like email, messaging, document writing etc.This tool works on Windows 10 PC, tablets, phones, xbox and hololens. IMPORTANT: You must turn on Speech setting (in PC/Tablet) : Click Windows start button -> Type "speech, inking" (with space after comma) ->Click on that system settings -> Click on get to know me -> Turn On. Strongly recommend to use good microphone for best use of this tool. Click on Speak button and dictate continuously. The tool will automatically recognize punctuations. To copy text generated: Select text and right click -> click copy/cut.