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Wi (HoxWi Command Line Interface)

Wi (HoxWi Command Line Interface)

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Developer's DescriptionBy HoxWiGet CLI (command line interface) to HoxWi platform.WI CLI (command line interface) is a user interface to HoxWi platform in which the user responds to a visual prompt by typing in a command on a specified line, receives a response back from the system, and then enters another command, and so forth.Hoxwi command line interface or just Wi CLI is a fundamental bridge between administrators and the cloud platform in order to manage API's, databases and back office objects.Wi CLI can be used from multiple operational systems including: Linux, Windows and Mac. Download and install the right version to your machine by clicking here.The CLI could be used as a stand alone program for any kind of operation concerning the platform or as an additional batch tool used to perform timed / punctual tasks.Important: The CLI can be used to manage both Production and Sandbox environments. To switch between then you can type use [sandbox or tst] and press enter to point to the sandbox area and then type use [production or prd] and press enter to point to production.
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