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TMS Skin Factory(Delphi 2006 and C++Builder 2006)

TMS Skin Factory(Delphi 2006 and C++Builder 2006)

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Developer's DescriptionBy TMSSoftwareAdd skinning capabilities to your Delphi and C++Builder applications.TMS Skin Factory is a great and easy way to create advanced looking forms like Winamp and other multimedia applications. Designing skinable forms was never this easy before. The components and the complete designing process are fully integrated within the IDE! Create a skin just by loading your designed images into the designer. Define some buttons, labels or use one of the other skin controls and you are ready to release your first skinable application! Why using the old boring Windows styled forms when you can design your own, fancy, modern looking, user-interface. You can also use other third-party components with the skin designer.
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