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iPhone Backup Utility

iPhone Backup Utility

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Developer's DescriptionBy InforallBack up important information on your iPhone.This app backs up common data on your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad such as Address book, SMS and call history, Calendar, Notes, Voice memos, and Cydia sources. Backups are saved into the folder ../My Documents/iPhone Backup/ With backup's date and time. When you want to restore data to your device (after erasing it or getting a replacement device) just go to the Restore tab, select the date you wish to restore to and if you want, select the elements you wish to restore. iPhone Backup Utility automatically backs up or restores the elements you want over Wi-Fi connection and every backup is saved to its own directory so you can restore back to any point in time.Remember, iPhone has to be jailbroken with OpenSSH installed and must be connected to the same network as the computer.
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