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AVinCube Codec SDK

AVinCube Codec SDK

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Developer's DescriptionBy AVinCubeGet a development kit for video and audio MPEG compression applications.AVinCube Codec SDK components have been created for developers and engineers working on video and audio MPEG compression applications. All components are DirectShow filters (.ax). They are all optimized for speed and available for encapsulating to own user applications. Codec SDK contains the following components MPEG2 Encoder, MP3 Encoder, MPEG2 Muxer PE(S), MPEG2 Muxer PS, MPEG2 Muxer TS, MP4 Muxer, and av3MPEG2WriterTest - source code and binary application. The filters in the SDK are in demo mode which means they have the restriction: white line on video and mark on audio each one second.
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