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Crypto - Tools for Encryption & Cryptography

Crypto - Tools for Encryption & Cryptography

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Developer's DescriptionBy Michael KokoschkaCrypto - The unique cryptography app with numerous & useful features Suitable for learning, testing & applying.Crypto - The unique cryptography app with numerous & useful featuresSuitable for learning, testing & applying.Explore cryptography - the magic behind cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum. Now with Blockchain related features. More coming soon!FeaturesEncryptionHashingEncoding/DecodingMathematical functionsSecure Communication Tools (Certificates & Key Exchange)AnalysisToolsThis makes Crypto unique:Beautiful & modern Material DesignUseful implemented featuresInfo pages for a lot of functions (implementation details etc.)Sharing/Copy-pasting your texts & content made very easy & powerfulSave frequently used functions as favoritesPowerful Secure Communication Tools as an approach to provide secure encryption as a security add-on for every untrusted messaging or email serviceCryptographic functionsEncryptionCaesarVigenreSkytaleDESAESBlowfishTwofishRC4Salsa20ChaChaAnalysis FunctionsFrequency AnalysisCaesar Brute ForceFactorizationPrime SearchFind DivisorsConvert RSA modulusDecode PEM certificateAsymmetric MethodsDiffie HellmanRSADSAEl GamalMathematicsPrime test (Fermat, Miller Rabin)Euler toitent functionGCD (Euklid) & Multiplicative Inverse in a FieldHashMD2MD4MD5RIPEMDSHA-1SHA-2SHA-3TigerWhirlpoolGost3411HMAC - Keyed-Hash Message Authentication CodeMD2MD4MD5SHA1SHA2TigerWhirlpoolGost3411MAC - Message Authentication CodeSkeinPoly1305CMACKDF - Key Derivation FunctionHKDFScryptEncodingBase64Base58HexadecimalBinaryURLDecodingBase64Base58HexadecimalURLToolsExport your PEM certificate(.pem .crt .cert .cer)QR code generatorQR code decoderAdvanced Base64 Encoding/DecodingBitcoin Address GeneratorSecure Communication ToolsAuthentication (RSA certificates)Key Exchange (RSA Public Key Block Cipher Encryption)Encryption (AES-256)What can you do with Crypto?Encrypt your messages for WhatsApp, Facebook, Telegram and other messengersEncrypt your texts to securely store or send themSave your passwords as hashLearning support with mathematical DH and RSA implementationsMathematical functions also suitable as everyday helpersSome special use cases for Secure Communication Tools:RSA CertificatesShare your certificate to prove your identityYou can securely & easily exchange secrets, passwords or session keys with RSA public keys included in the certificatesRSA Key ExchangeTransfer your bank account number securelyShare access codes (e.g. PDF passwords, Cloud access passwords) securelyExchange a session key for AES EncryptionAES EncryptionEncrypt your text messages securely and share them (AES recommended instead of RSA because of performance)FeedbackIf you have any problems, suggestions or questions, please email to leave a positive rating if you like the app. Thank you!If there is anything you don't like about this app, please tell me what it is and why.
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