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Free Translator

Free Translator

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Developer's DescriptionBy TranslateTranslate any kind of text and voice from various languages.Now you can instantly translate to and from 40 different languages whenever you want, from your mobile device or tablet. Simply type the phrase you want to translate, select the source language and the language into which you want to do the translation and press the "Translate" button. In the box below the text, the translation will be displayed and ready to be copied to any other application, email, sms, whatsapp, facebook or whatever you want. Moreover, so you have a better understanding of the translated language, we have a button that says the words with the original accent. Whether it's because you're learning languages or because you're traveling to a country where the language could be a barrier, this is perfect translator for you. You shouldn't travel without this great application.If you want to share your translations with your friends, you can easily publish directly to your facebook wall, send it through Whatsapp, email, sms or any other application you have installed on your mobile device. In case you can not write, or if you wish another person to speak to you in another language, you can use the voice recognition available in this translator and immediately the spoken words will happen to be readable and translatable in a text. Just press the microphone icon and go.40 different languages are available so you can translate without limits in the same application. The languages offered by this translator are: (en) Spanish (es) English (pt) Portuguese (de) German, (hu) Hungarian (ar) Arabic (id) Indonesian (bg) Bulgarian, (ca) Catalan (fr) Italiano (cs) Czech (ja) Japanese (zh-CHS) Chinese (simp) (lv) Latvian (zh-CHT) Chinese (trad), (lt) Lithuanian, (ko) Korean (ms) Malay (ht) Haitian, (no) Norwegian (da) Danish (fa) Persian (sk) Slovak (pl) Polish (sl) Slovenian (ro) Romanian (et) Estonian (ru) Russian (fi) Finnish (sv) Swedish (fr) French, (th) Thai (the) Greek (tr) Turkish (I) Hebrew (uk) Ukrainian (hi) Hindi (ur) Urdu (mww) Hmong Daw, (vi) Vietnamese (nl) Dutch.
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