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Developer's DescriptionBy Apps WingDigital Compass Free Smart Compass for Android shows the accurate direction of North, South, East and West with Longitude and Latitude.Digital Compass Free Smart Compass for Android shows the accurate direction of North, South, East and West with Longitude and Latitude. Compass app is easy to use, use it like a real compass. Compass direction sets your direction by rotating the bezel and determine the direction where you currently facing on compass map. Compass 360 shows real-time orientation to magnetic fields and true north. To use the digital compass, hold your Android device flat, just like a real compasss GPS compass: GPS compass can be used for outdoor activities like traveling, picnicking, camping, hiking or boating and find your way on the map. Compass navigation is the tracking compass that shows direction relative to the geographic cardinal directions. GPS receivers can plot latitude, longitude, and altitude on the map by using my compass app.Hiking Compass: show compass direction on the mountain, landscapes, camping and find your way during hiking on the map by using a hiking compass.Digital Compass: Handy electronic devices that use sensors to determine the magnetic field, then display those measurements numerically by using the compass app. Digital Compass sensor is a magnetometer that can measure the Earth's magnetic field from your current position by using a smart compass. Digital compass is a 3d compass in your smart devices, where and when you need it. My compass also shows the digital direction of north, south, east and west for user convenience.Magnetic compass: Consist of the magnetized needle that rotate, so it lines up with the Earth's magnetic field. The ends point is known as the magnetic north and magnetic south. True north is determined by the earths axis, with the north ending at the North Pole (where all the lines on a globe, for example, meet at the top).Features of Digital Compass Free Smart Compass for Android:Simple and reliableIncredibly smooth movementsEasy compass ability to switch between true and magnetic true north.Magnetic and true north are availableSmart compass display magnetic field strengthDisplay latitude, longitudeDigital formatCompass map shows the current locationGPS Compass shows directionsStandard SatelliteDim screen to save batteryNight modeDigital Compass also shows the Sun Rise and Sun Set time.Weather informationCamera view (you can take a screenshot of a place with compass, address, latitude, and longitudeIt's compass freeNote:To run Digital Compass Free Smart Compass for Android, your phone needs a magnetic sensor. If you do not have a magnetic sensor, you will not be able to run the Compass app and that is not our fault, do not underestimate us on the play storeCaution:Keep the device away from metal objects, machinery and where the high magnetic field to avoid false results, Easy compass helps you determine the direction quickly and accurately.