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Developer's DescriptionBy Garden of SerenityThe Myths of Babylonia and Assyria by Donald Alexander Mackenzie, is a book that discusses not only the mythology of Babylonia and Assyria, but...The Myths of Babylonia and Assyria by Donald Alexander Mackenzie, is a book that discusses not only the mythology of Babylonia and Assyria, but also the history of the region (Mesopotamia), Biblical accounts similar to the region's mythology, and comparisons to the mythologies of other cultures, such as those of India and northern Europe.This volume of the Myths and Legends series covers the still nascent subject of ancient Near Eastern mythology. Because the primary documents had only been deciphered a few decades prior to the writing of this book, Mackenzie necessarily has to round out the exposition with a detailed history of the region, Biblical accounts, and speculative cross-cultural comparisons, particularly to Hindu and Northern European mythology and folklore.The picture emerges of the birth of the world culture in the region which is today known as Iraq. Besides writing, codes of law, irrigation, mathematics, astronomy, urban life and many other innovations, the fertile crescent developed a brutal form of despotism. The history is a constant churn of wars, invasions, massacres, genocide and regicide.This work remains a decent introduction and reference work for the religion, culture, history and general background of the ancient Near East, and well worth studying by anyone interested in the topic.Included in this Babylonia app:PrefaceMapIntroductionChapter I. The Races and Early Civilization of BabyloniaChapter II. The Land of Rivers and the God of the DeepChapter III. Rival Pantheons and Representative DeitiesChapter IV. Demons, Fairies, and GhostsChapter V. Myths of Tammuz and IshtarChapter VI. Wars of the City States of Sumer and AkkadChapter VII. Creation Legend: Merodach the Dragon SlayerChapter VIII. Deified Heroes: Etana and GilgameshChapter IX. Deluge Legend, the Island of the Blessed, and HadesChapter X. Buildings and Laws and Customs of BabylonChapter XI. The Golden Age of BabyloniaChapter XII. Rise of the Hittites, Mitannians, Kassites, Hyksos, and AssyriansChapter XIII. Astrology and AstronomyChapter XIV. Ashur the National God of AssyriaChapter XV. Conflicts for Trade and SupremacyChapter XVI. Race Movements that Shattered EmpiresChapter XVII. The Hebrews in Assyrian HistoryChapter XVIII. The Age of SemiramisChapter XIX. Assyria's Age of SplendourChapter XX. The Last Days of Assyria and BabyloniaRecommended ResourcesWe hope you'll enjoy the contents of this app. Please leave a rating and review to let us know how it went for you.
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