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Fit and Healthy

Fit and Healthy

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Developer's DescriptionBy Jason LoFit and Healthy imports and exports step counts, body weight, body fat %, height (and BMI), distances, calories burnt, water intake, stairs...Fit and Healthy imports and exports step counts, body weight, body fat %, height (and BMI), distances, calories burnt, water intake, stairs climbed, heart rates and sleep patterns from a Fitbit account into Samsung Health. The app can be set to sync periodically. A schedule can be set so that the app downloads from Fitbit at a certain time of day (for example, during the waking hours).NOTE: The Fitbit app for Android requires that you have previously owned a Fitbit tracker to view exported step counts.FREE OPTIONS* Import steps* Export steps - but WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO PARTICIPATE IN FITBIT CHALLENGES* Import weightIN-APP PURCHASES* Import body fat %, height (and BMI), water intake* Import stairs climbed, distances and calories* Import average resting heart rate at a day level* Import daily sleep start and end times* Export calories, weight, body fat% and sleep timesTRACKER TILEThe tile shows the number of steps imported from Fitbit. When the tile icon is clicked, the tile will open a graph showing the history of downloaded data. The "UPDATE" button of the tile leads to the synchronisation screen of Fit and Healthy where a sync can be manually initiated by pressing the green sync button.HISTORY GRAPHThe history graph can be accessed from the Fit and Healthy main screen by selecting "History" under the menu or by the tracker tile in Samsung Health. The graph plots data from devices that have been selected from the "Source data" option under the menu. Weight and step count data can be plotted.PARTNER APPThis app has been approved by Samsung to access Samsung Health as a Partner App.REQUIREMENTS* Samsung Health app 5.11 or later version installed* Fitbit account (Fitbit app does not need to be installed)* Fitbit tracker if exporting steps* Internet connection and browserThe Fitbit account information is not stored in the Fit and Healthy application.The Samsung Health account information is not stored in the Fit and Healthy application.The Fit and Healthy application requires an internet connection to download data from Fitbit. The Fit and Healthy application cannot download data from Fitbit if the Fitbit servers are not available.Support is available by emailing fitandhealthyhelp@gmail.comDiscussion group where bugs can be reported and feature suggestions made is available at Health is a product of Samsung.Fitbit is a registered trademark and service mark of Fitbit, Inc. Fit and Healthy is designed for use with the Fitbit platform. This product is not put out by Fitbit, and Fitbit does not service or warrant the functionality of this product.PLANNED FEATURES FOR FUTURE UPDATES* Import exercises from Fitbit* Support for other devices* Import food intake from Fitbit
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